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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Gives law and enforcers greater scope to abuse power (News)

Gives law and enforcers greater scope to abuse power (News)

 A Latin precept says "Experience is the best instructor." In perspective of popular British student of history James Anthony Froude: "Experience educates gradually, and at the cost of errors." However, our strategy of learning is extraordinary. Experience appears to have shown us little. This appears to have been reflected again in offering the police subjective powers in the proposed computerized security law to make a move against claimed offenses conferred utilizing advanced gadgets. 

Sufficient protections are thought about essentials to avoid mishandle of wide self-assertive forces. It is comprehended that forces ought to be practiced in a simply, reasonable and sensible way. Shields assume a part in keeping the activity of forces in a nonsensical, fanciful way. Yet, the proposed advanced security law furnishes law authorization offices with wide self-assertive and optional forces with no protections against conceivable manhandle. In this way, the fear of manhandle of energy stays in the proposed advanced security law. 

As indicated by segment 43 of the proposed law, police can capture any individual on doubt that he has conferred offenses or is submitting offenses. They can likewise look through any advanced gadget on doubt that proof of offenses which were either dedicated or are being dedicated might be deleted or altered or changed if there is delay in making a move. On the off chance that they esteem fit, they can reallocate any computerized gadget purportedly being utilized for submitting the offense. Exercise of the discretionary powers under area 43 depends completely on the "conviction" of law implementation offices. 

Law authorization offices have likewise been given the power under segment 8 of the proposed law to request that the BTRC square or expel any substance from computerized gadgets in the event that they think about such substance as a danger to national security, economy, security, open request and religious feelings. The BTRC, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, must follow up on the demand of law implementation organizations. 

Police have for since quite a while ago utilized, wide self-assertive powers in the activity of the draconian area 54 of the Code of Criminal Procedure to capture anyone on unimportant doubt. Essentially, police have been given wide optional powers in the proposed advanced security law. 

A historic point judgment by the Supreme Court in 2016 put a top on the subjective utilization of optional powers by police under segments 54 and 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 managing capture on doubt and resulting remand. In the midst of affirmation of boundless mishandle of energy, the SC set a few rules on requirement of the arrangements as it decided that the areas were conflicting with central rights ensured by the constitution. 

In face of a flood of feedback for irregular mishandle of segment 57 of the ICT Act, 2006, the police home office on August 2, a year ago, issued a round asking police headquarters the nation over to take counsel from the legitimate wing of the police home office before enlisting any case under segment 57. The police central command taught police headquarters to exhibit most extreme alert in recording cases for offenses conferred under this area. On the off chance that any doubt emerged about any grievance, the police headquarters concerned would quickly enlist a general journal and after that confirm the legitimacy of the dissension. From that point forward the quantity of cases under area 57 has pointedly declined. 

The roundabout itself appears to have showed up as an affirmation of across the board manhandle of the digital law and furthermore the optional energy of police given by the draconian segment 57. The move came hot on the foot sole areas of the capture of a Khulna writer. That episode went past the breaking point of preposterousness and manhandle of the law as the writer was sued and sent to imprison under area 57 for a Facebook post over the passing of a goat. The columnist was blamed for "discoloring picture" of the state serve for fisheries and domesticated animals who gave the goat to a poor man in his parliamentary voting demographic. 

Two years previously the stunning episode over the passing of the goat, Probir Sikder, another columnist, who did not have a leg, was captured regarding a body of evidence recorded against him under segment 57 under the charge of discoloring the picture of a pastor. He was cuffed while he was indicted disregarding Police Regulation and sent to imprison—his safeguard supplication was denied.

Mughal Dhaka Bangladesh (Travel News)

Mughal Dhaka Bangladesh (Travel News)

 At the point when the Mughals endeavored to set up their fortification in this piece of Bengal the most exceedingly terrible adversary they confronted, other than the unstoppable Baro Bhuiyans (twelve landowners), were the cataclysmic nature and the riverine scene. The floods of continually moving water penetrated the land into bundles of different sizes and shapes. Another disturbing actuality for them were the consistent assaults by the Magh (Arakanese) and Portuguese (alongside a couple of Dutch) privateers, who originated from the Bay of Bengal through huge streams (in particular Meghna and Brahmaputra). The stallion riding Mughals comprehended that keeping in mind the end goal to set out their domain in Bengal they needed to secure the conduits first. 

Subedar (representative) Islam Khan, who in pop culture is believed to be the originator of the township of Dhaka, extended and reinforced the maritime powers (Mughal Nowara or the maritime armada) and designated a Commander in Chief or Meer-I-Bohor. It is said that inside a century, the Mughals likely manufactured three posts along the streams around the city at vital areas with a view to securing the capital. Despite the fact that there is an enduring contention about whether it was Mir Jumla or Islam Khan who really constructed them, there is no uncertainty about their motivation. The three fortifications are now and again alluded to as the "Triangle of Waterforts" and comprises of the Idrakpur, Sonakanda and Hajiganj posts. 


The Idrakpur Fort was the primary fortification to be developed among the "Triangle of Waterforts". It is situated around 25 km south-east of Dhaka, at the Munshiganj town, on the west bank of the waterway Ichamoti. At the time, the stream kept running at the edge of the post, however therefore went away in the twentieth century—a part of the present Munshiganj town is really based over that zone. 

Idrakpur Fort. Notice by Department of Archeology. Picture taker: Touhidun Nabi 

The post was most likely worked by Mir Jumla in the 1660s as a guard against the Magh (Arakanese) and Portuguese privateers. As stone was inaccessible and costly, the essential building material was singed block. Utilization of this neighborhood material can be found in the joineries on the entryways. A similar procedure wins in the Hajiganj and Sonakanda strongholds as well. 

The fortification is rectangular fit as a fiddle and separated into two segments. Among them, the polygonal western bit is bigger and prolonged towards the north-south. The quadrangular eastern part is significantly littler. The dividers and plinth of this post is much lower than alternate fortresses. There is no huge void in the divider aside from a little opening on the merlon (the strong upright area of a parapet) and another gap between the merlons. The four open bastions at the four corners were the best in assaulting the foes. There were sixteen merlons on every one of the bastions. All the portals look like the Mughal compositional style of vast vaulted openings. The fortress likewise has a water repository which gave new supply of water to the occupants inside. 

It was not an attack fortress, and as a result of that it just had a feeble protective divider. Like most different strongholds in this area it gave protect, for the troopers who settled here, in the blustery season when the attacks were visit. Another critical element of the post is a major round drum in the south, which is additionally protected by a divider. This territory more likely than not been accommodated mounting a gun, to keep plunderers away, with long range assault abilities. 

As the Ichamoti River silted, the southern side of the post ended up covered up to the parapet. In addition, for some time, a bit of the compound was being utilized as a living arrangement of the District Commissioner (DC) of Munshiganj and the rest fills in as a correctional facility. In spite of the fact that the post isn't precisely saved in its unique condition, it has survived carelessness and demolition in view of being reused for that spell of time.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Rohingya Windrush (News)

Rohingya Windrush (News)
 Poop hit the fan over the British government! It ended up in the eye of a tempest following a self-perpetrated debate seething over what is known as the "Windrush age". "Windrush" is the name of a ship that had conveyed a large number of Caribbean individuals to Great Britain in 1948 to help reconstruct the war-attacked nation.

They are assessed to be 50,000 traversing two ages now. However, the once invited Caribbean transients who lived in Britain and worked since the nation's "stern" hour of need (to marginally rethink a post-War Churchillian articulation) are in thrall to the host requesting that they demonstrate their bona fides following seven many years of habitation! Haven't they exceeded their neighborliness? Or then again else for what reason would something secure on the rack as a shut issue be revived as a rush from the blue!

In fact the Caribbean migrants who had come to suit a British need ought to have been naturalized subjects as per usual, as per universal standards, let alone in appreciative affirmation of their post-war administration to Britain. Be that as it may, in an unkind curve to the story, they were solicited to give narrative proof from their home since their landing in the UK. The documentation required accommodation of school or instructive testaments, work put points of interest, assessment forms—simply anything evidentiary to demonstrate their consistent living arrangement. On its substance, this may look harmless with the exception of the long time interceding. The trouble of acquiring the reports lies in the long sequence of seven decades blended with visits to Caribbean homes, aside from changes in their own conditions every now and then.

It is put around the Opposition and the liberals by and large to the threatening condition at the Home Office under the prohibitive migration strategy of Theresa May's legislature.

The air pocket burst couldn't have occurred at an all the more humiliating time for the British government. The presentation may have unsettled the quills of a host spreading its wings over the 50 Commonwealth Heads of State and Government Meeting that was in session in London.

As though that was insufficient, it had a thump on impact on EU residents in UK who were at that point stressed over their future in Britain after Brexit. The annoying of the Caribbean transients with a crisp documentation prerequisite engravings a dislike the EU occupants' temple.

As a matter of fact, the scene has been continuing for a long time before it exploded on the substance of the specialists—top clergymen are holding down their heads in disgrace as a result of the foolish levels to which the interest for documentation was foisted on the people. Statements of regret are being offered however are not viewed as enough to mitigate the somewhat hurt British sensibilities.

Self-clearly, there can't be any parallels between the British treatment of the Caribbean and Myanmar's treatment of the Rohingyas. The previous is a tardy consular issue, even from a pessimistic standpoint with a stage nurturing supremacist tinge to it including possibly expelling of some out of Britain. Indeed, even that would be an inadmissibly remorseless act. What's more, it has officially touched British sensibilities raising a desire for a progressing strategy towards the Caribbean people group.

By sharp complexity, the Rohingya emergency as far as adjustment, power, acceleration and fresher consequences constitutes the most disgusting type of discount ethnic purging to-date. Also, the proceeding with derisive rebellion of world supposition, worldwide law and standard between state implicit rules by the Myanmar administration makes a joke of the forces that have the levers with Myanmar to clamor great sense into its ears.

Indeed, even following a half year of marking a repatriation accord with Myanmar not a solitary family has been repatriated from Bangladesh. This is noted with genuine worry by the EU, particularly in perspective of the beginning of the blustery season full of the threats of avalanches, not to mention the muddied and mortally illness harboring living conditions.

The discretionary illustration up of a rundown of the alleged ethnic nationalities forgetting the Rohingyas out and out whose progenitors had lived in Arakan, the present-day Rakhine state for a considerable length of time might be taken up at the fitting universal level for a valid assurance of reality. This can be a forerunner to taking up the double issue of genocide and ethnic purging by the Myanmar administration under the watchful eye of the International Court of Justice or to the International Criminal Court. So imagine a scenario in which they are not signatories to the organizations, does it repay them against indictment for wrongdoings against humankind by the most tolerant of understandings.

A perusing of history lets you know in unmistakable terms that as late as the tenth Century the ethnic Burmese didn't set their foot on the Rakhine, implying that other ethnic gatherings had been prior in the territory. This is confirmed by a book titled, "A Comprehensive Vocabulary of the Languages Spoken in Burma Empire," composed by Scottish Physician Francis Buchanan in 1799. He alluded to "a proof of the term 'Rooinga' being used in the territory a long time before the British united their govern" in 1823 through the Anglo-Burmese war. Buchannan additionally attests that the main lingo talked in the Burman realm was gotten from an Indian dialect talked by Mohammedans who have since quite a while ago settled in Arakan and are known as "Roonga" or the country of Arakan.

To what extent at that point will Myanmar dupe the world with its equivocations and dull untruths?

Islami Bank Crisis (Bank News)

Islami Bank Crisis (Bank News)
 A rundown was sent to the bank's administrator two or three months prior requesting that he fire 21 authorities - running from extra overseeing chief to agent overseeing chiefs, official VPs to mid-level authorities - who were marked as individuals having affiliations with a specific political gathering or being its sympathizers. 

Of them, five best authorities - one extra overseeing chief, three representative overseeing chiefs and a senior official VP - were compelled to stop on April 3, and the IBBL board, under strain, acknowledged their renunciation following two days. 

Be that as it may, weight was mounting on Arastoo to end the rest of the 16 authorities on the rundown, however he didn't concur with this, saying the loss of such a major number of best administrators will make an immense vacuum of information and ability in the bank. 

A powerful chief accepted this open door and named Arastoo non-helpful in purifying the IBBL of Jamaat-Shibir men and this purposeful publicity was all around circled by a quarter in the legislature. 

Arastoo was requested to venture down and he did as such on April 17, and the load up quickly acknowledged his abdication and set aside no opportunity to supplant him with Prof Nazmul Hassan of Dhaka University. 

Before that, Nazmul was an autonomous chief of the bank. He has been made administrator as an agent of Armada Spinning Mills, prior spoke to by Arastoo. 

The other factor that prompted Arastoo's renunciation was his intense position against payment of expansive credits. 

A major business gathering, which has introduction in land and bond, steel and items, needed Tk 1,400 crore advances, which Arastoo turned down on the ground of the bank's store lack. 

The other advance proposition worth around Tk 500 crore was from a land organization claimed by an intense man in the administration and the then executive declined to affirm the advance. 

As per some nearby helpers to Arastoo and insiders in the bank, every one of these issues made him a foe of a quarter. 

"Government's great goal to depoliticise the bank is being abused by this quarter," said one of the chiefs in the bank. 

As per authorities, the bank was not in a situation to authorize extensive credits as, as other private banks, IBBL was in liquidity push. As of March 31, IBBL's propel (credit)- store proportion (ADR) was 92 percent, well over the present administrative roof of 89 percent. 

On the off chance that the bank issues new advances, particularly huge ones, its ADR will shoot up further, which may irritate the controller, Bangladesh Bank. 

In the second seven day stretch of November a year ago, the BB requested that the IBBL cut down its ADR inside the cutoff, generally the bank will confront reformatory measures. 

Conversing with The Daily Star on Wednesday, Arastoo conceded that he quit dispensing huge advances. Inquired as to whether he was compelled to stop, he stated, "I am not intrigued to discuss this correct at this point." He likewise did not remark on different issues of the bank. 

The bank began seeing the progressions after some little-known organizations purchased its offers in 2015 and 2016. 

The organizations incorporate Platinum Endeavors Limited, Paradise International Limited, BLU International Limited, ABC Ventures Limited, Grand Business Limited, and Excel Dyeing and Printing Limited. 

They held more than 14 percent stakes in the bank till November a year ago. A Chittagong-based combination is purportedly connected to these organizations. 

In January a year ago, the IBBL saw some real changes. At the time, its executive, a few chiefs, overseeing executive and heads of various boards of trustees were changed. 

Arastoo, who turned into an executive of the rely upon December 15, 2016, was made administrator following 20 days. He supplanted Mustafa Anwar, who spoke to Ibn Sina Trust, which is accepted to have associations with the Jamaat-e-Islami, an Islamist party broadly censured for its part amid the 1971 Liberation War. 

At that point on May 20 a year ago, a gathering of seven chiefs undermined to venture down if a solitary of them needed to leave under strain. 

They made the risk following divulgence by Syed Ahsanul Alam, previous bad habit director of the bank, on May 11 that he was being requested that by a few quarters leave. 

Ahsanul was at long last expelled from his official post on May 23. A couple of days after the fact, he was likewise expelled from the top managerial staff. 

The IBBL was set up in 1983 as the nation's first Shariah-based bank. People, government foundations and a few banks in the Middle East had more than 66% offers in the bank around then. Presently their possessions have come down to 46 percent. 

An offer of the Islami Bank was exchanged at Tk 26.2 in Dhaka Stock Exchange on Thursday, down from Tk 40 a year prior.

World Bank gives Bangladesh $515 million (Banknews)

World Bank gives Bangladesh $515 million (Banknews)

The World Bank has focused on giving $515 million through two ventures, one growing power transmission systems and another to enhance protection scope. 

The two arrangements were marked at Economic Relations Division (ERD) in the capital's Sher-e-Bangla Nagar yesterday. 

Mahmuda Begum, extra secretary to the ERD, and Qimiao Fan, WB nation executive for Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal, spoke to the two sides. 

The $450 million worth of Enhancement and Strengthening of Power Transmission Network in Eastern Region Project would enhance supply and diminish stack shedding in the eastern district, covering more prominent Comilla and Noakhali and a piece of more noteworthy Chittagong, said a WB articulation. 

Around 275,000 families and 16,000 rural buyers will get new power associations while 13 new substations will be constructed and a current one restored, it said. 

One 230 kV transmission line through more noteworthy Comilla and four short separation 132 kV lines in Comilla and Noakhali will likewise be assembled, it included. 

The announcement said the Insurance Sector Development Project of $65 million would help reinforce the Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority's administrative and supervisory limit. 

This will likewise occur for state-claimed protection bodies Shadharan Bima Corporation and Jiban Bima Corporation through modernisation of their frameworks and business hones, it said. 

It will likewise help upgrade Bangladesh Insurance Academy's ability into turning into a solid asset for preparing and research, tending to a serious absence of protection experts, it said. 

The power venture will get a scale-up office credit from International Development Association (IDA), a WB wing. It has a development time of 35 years, including a four-year elegance period. 

The protection task will get intrigue free IDA credit, repayable in 38 years, including a six-year effortlessness period and an administration charge of 0.75 percent. 

"Just putting resources into control age isn't adequate, unless that is bolstered by change in transmission and dissemination," said Fan. 

"By providing continuous energy to Mirsharai Economic Zone, port, airplane terminal or other key monetary offices, the task will help open private segment development," he said. 

In Bangladesh, protection infiltration is especially low: under 1 percent of the populace has protection scope, he included. 

Mahmuda said the seventh Five-Year Plan incorporates a dream for giving power to all and enhancing protection scope. "The two tasks will add to making increasingly and better employments, and boosting development," she said.

Barcelona on brink.......(Football)

Barcelona on brink.......(Football)

Andres Iniesta will be at the focal point of any festivals, with the Spaniard anticipated that would declare his Barca flight in the coming days. 

The Spaniard made an enthusiastic exit from the triumphant Copa del Rey last a weekend ago, blurred looked at as he was substituted in the second half, and it will be a nostalgic event again when he lifts his last trophy with the club. 

"The adoration and regard that individuals have for me is something I feel somewhere inside," Iniesta said. "My point now is to endeavor to add the class to the Cup." 

It would be Iniesta's ninth class title won with Barca, 13 years after his in the first place, and his last may yet demonstrate his finest, given Barca additionally stand five unbeaten amusements from getting to be La Liga's just ever powerful group. 

Genuine Madrid could yet intercede when the 'clasico' goes to the Camp Nou one weekend from now however Deportivo would seem improbable spoilers, sitting eighteenth, nine focuses uncontrolled of Levante with four amusements left to play. 

Some have proposed Clarence Seedorf's side would very much want to have their destiny settled against Barcelona than at the home of their fiercest adversaries Celta Vigo, whom they visit six days after the fact. 

"We will play to death to win it," Deportivo striker Adrian Lopez said. 

"We realize that we confront a Barca that are for all intents and purposes champions and I trust they come somewhat more settled than common. I trust they have their heads on the World Cup." 

That may demonstrate starry-eyed reasoning given Barca touch base on the back of seemingly their best execution of the season against Sevilla are as yet endeavoring to create an impression following their Champions League misfortune to Roma. 

Liverpool's determined 5-2 prevail upon the Italians on Tuesday has just underlined the recklessness of that thrashing, while Real beating Bayern Munich to edge more like a third successive European triumph makes their nonappearance all the all the more irking. 

Adding a 25th alliance crown to the Copa del Rey would go some approach to softening the mistake. 

"We have been seeking after the class since the start of the season," Barcelona mentor Ernesto Valverde said. 

"It's something that is difficult to accomplish, the title gives you generally fulfillment." 

With the title, assignment and Champions League recognizes everything except settled, La Liga's peak is probably going to be found in the race for the Europa League where no less than six groups are battling it out for three spots. 

Genuine Betis look secure, five focuses clear in fifth, yet just six focuses isolate Villarreal in 6th and Celta Vigo in tenth. In the middle of sit Sevilla, Getafe and Girona. 

Sevilla will want to skip over from their pounding by Barca with a win at battling Levante on Friday while their opponents are ensured to drop focuses, with Villarreal facilitating Celta on Saturday and Getafe at home to Girona on Sunday. 

"We need to work harder," Sevilla mentor Vincenzo Montella said. "We must be much more centered now to complete the alliance well and battle to meet all requirements for Europe." 

Betis engage base club Malaga on Monday. 

Apparatuses (all circumstances GMT) 


Levante v Sevilla (1900) 


Espanyol v Las Palmas (1100), Real Sociedad v Athletic Bilbao (1415), Real Madrid v Leganes (1630), Villarreal v Celta Vigo (1845) 


Getafe v Girona (1000), Alaves v Atletico Madrid (1415), Valencia v Eibar (1630), Deportivo La Coruna v Barcelona (1845) 


Genuine Betis v Malaga (1900)

Mourinho Said (Football News)

Mourinho Said (Football News)

Salah joined Chelsea under Mourinho in 2014 however neglected to build up himself at Stamford Bridge and was lent out to Fiorentina and Roma before a perpetual move to the Stadio Olimpico equip in 2016. 

The 25-year-old came back to the Premier League with Liverpool this season and has exceeded expectations, scoring 31 objectives in 33 matches to win the Professional Footballers' Association's Player of the Year grant. 

"Individuals say that I was the one that sold Salah and it is the inverse," Mourinho, who presently oversees Manchester United, told ESPN. 

"I was the one that purchased Salah. I was the one that advised Chelsea to purchase Salah... In any case, he came as a youthful child, physically he was not prepared, rationally he was not prepared, socially and socially he was lost and everything was extreme for him. 

"Chelsea chose to offer him, OK? ... So the choice to send him on advance was a choice we made aggregately, however from that point onward, the choice to offer him and to utilize that cash to purchase another player wasn't mine." 

Salah has scored 43 objectives over all rivalries this season and is in dispute to win the European Golden Boot. 

"I think everything has shocked even him. It has been incredible," Mourinho included. 

"In any case, he is an extraordinary player that has achieved the pinnacle of development, he has just experienced a few different encounters and now has fitted consummately into the style of play of the group, of the mentor and of the club also." 

Liverpool are as of now third in the class and in prime position to achieve the Champions League last, after a 5-2 win in the primary leg of their semi-last against Roma. 

The side come back to class activity when they have Stoke City on Saturday while Mourinho's United host Arsenal daily later.