Monday, April 9, 2018

Digital Bangladesh

Digital Bangladesh

This present government's sterling accomplishment of getting under way a "Computerized Bangladesh" endures a genuine pass up method for the proposed Digital Security Act that the bureau has quite recently affirmed. 

Once passed, this "computerized" law will really, and unexpectedly, toss Bangladesh over into the "simple" period - in the feeling of a return to the past - as far as flexibility of articulation. 

"Computerized Bangladesh" has gotten under way a trade of thoughts and perspectives among millions, making an open gathering for talk that our kin have never delighted in. The entire world is made up for lost time in it and we are a fundamental piece of it. It is the stage of new popular government. 

Here, in this computerized space, tons of our citizenry participate in wrangles over the issues of their enthusiasm for a way that is inconceivable in some other stages. Once in a while, a basic photo of a contaminated stream or a youngster in trouble triggers a social development, prompting brisk arrangements or noting the requirements. 

Such opportunity of articulation will be seriously checked if the law being referred to is passed. 

We will be the first to concede that there are occurrences of genuine mishandle of the web-based social networking space. Be that as it may, we can't remove the go to dispose of a cerebral pain. Truth be told we will in any case not dispose of the "cerebral pain" in light of the fact that the individuals who mishandle the web-based social networking space will keep on doing so paying little mind to what the law is. It is just the general individuals will's identity influenced and bugged by it. 

We have had instances of Facebook posts activating common aggravations and shattering religious concordance. However, all these were ponder and pre-arranged. The individuals who did it carried out genuine violations under a few existing laws. Shockingly, be that as it may, the greater part of them have never been secured, take off alone rebuffed. It is difficult to trust that the new law will come in the method for their odious outlines. 

In some particular sense, the draft law that the bureau affirmed on Monday spells the passing of flexibility of articulation and of autonomous reporting as we probably am aware it today. Apparently, it is material for computerized media. Be that as it may, all daily papers now have online nearness and they offer media substance, which makes the law pertinent for daily papers as well. 

We ask why Sheik Hasina's legislature is going for this law. 

We ask: Has any just nation, anyplace on the planet, ever profit by checking opportunity of articulation of the general population and by controlling its autonomous and free media? Has any chosen government at any point performed better by throttling flexibility of articulation? Could a solitary example be refered to (other than China, which works on an entirely unexpected framework) where a nation flourished with the press shackled? Has any reason for existing been served by gagging the press other than delinking a chosen government from its electorate? 

The appropriate response is an unequivocal no. 

Truth be told there is adequate proof to presume that inside vote based nations it is the adversaries of popular government who misdirect a chose government into trusting that the free press is a hindrance to their "great" aims and prod them into embracing hostile to flexibility laws. The inescapable removing of the administration and the general population that takes after outcomes in their stamped drop in fame and resulting fall. 

Governments ordinarily have two channels of data - official channel and the autonomous media. Official channels are constantly kept an eye on by government workers who reluctant giving offensive news to their political bosses. 

So any administration looking for bona fide data should by definition rely upon the media. So when it gags the media, the legislature essentially close its own particular wellspring of free data. This makes them absolutely subject to civil servants and we as a whole know the outcomes. 

In Soviet Union, the entire communist analysis crumbled on the grounds that the Brezhnevs and Kosygins never knew whether the approaches they were articulating and the mandates they were giving at any point saw the light of the day and got executed. Everything was alright on paper till one day the ground from under their feet moved and the entire building went to pieces. 

So then why, we rehash, is the legislature of Sheik Hasina receiving laws whose hostile to individuals attributes are so unmistakably clear? The leader frequently discusses "connivances" being overflowing. In our view, this is among the greatest of them and the administration is obviously falling into its very own trap creation. 

At the point when police are enabled to hunt and capture without warrants, can any city lobbyist or writer be ever anticipated that would report realities that run counter to the official adaptations? At the point when a writer can be pulled up under the watchful eye of the court for "spying" since he or she is in control of a mystery government record, despite the law clergyman's affirmation yesterday, no media will set out to report it. 

Has the world been served better on account of Wikileaks, Panama Papers and Paradise Papers? Under the law being referred to, every one of the Bangladeshis whose names showed up in those papers could prosecute us and the police could capture us for distributing "mystery" archives. 

The greatest peril of the law being referred to is that it doesn't adequately recognize honest to goodness digital wrongdoings and hindrances to opportunity of articulation and the flexibility of media. The draft is packed with arrangements that can undoubtedly be utilized and manhandled to check the press. This is additionally exacerbated by dubiousness of dialect that leaves excessively space for translation which, thusly, postures dangers to opportunity of articulation. 


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